Servers and Backup Solutions for Ships

Reliable, High-Performance VMware Clusters on Dell and HP Servers

MarineDataLogic is your trusted partner for implementing on-premise VMware clusters on the latest Dell and HP servers for ships. We understand the importance of reliability, performance, and data protection in the marine industry. Our comprehensive server and backup solutions offer a wide range of features, including high availability, fault tolerance, disaster recovery, and more, to keep your vessel's critical systems up and running. 

Our Server and Backup Solutions:

We offer comprehensive We specialize in providing server and backup solutions that encompass:

VMware Clusters: Our team of experts designs and implements on-premise VMware clusters using state-of-the-art Dell and HP servers, ensuring optimal performance, reliability, and scalability for your ship's IT infrastructure.

High Availability and Fault Tolerance: Our solutions are designed to minimize downtime, with high availability features and fault tolerance mechanisms to keep your systems operational even in the event of hardware failures or network disruptions.

Disaster Recovery: We develop and implement robust disaster recovery plans to protect your ship's data and IT systems, ensuring fast and efficient recovery in the event of a catastrophic event.

Backup and Recovery: Our comprehensive backup and recovery solutions safeguard your ship's critical data, providing timely data restoration in case of data loss or corruption.

Key Features:

Our server and backup solutions offer a wide range of features to ensure optimal performance and data protection:

Load balancing: Distribute workload across multiple servers for improved performance and resource utilization.

Elasticity and Resilience: Adapt your IT infrastructure to changing demands and recover quickly from system failures.

Scalability: Grow your server infrastructure with ease to accommodate increasing workloads and user demands.

Performance Optimization: Enhance your ship's IT performance through capacity planning and resource allocation.

Clustering and Virtualization: Leverage the benefits of server clustering and virtualization to optimize resource utilization, streamline management, and reduce costs.

Redundancy: Implement redundant systems to ensure continuous operation and minimize downtime in case of failures.

Deployment and Support:

Our server and backup solutions deployment and support process includes:

Assessment: We evaluate your ship's existing IT infrastructure and requirements to determine the most suitable server and backup solutions.

Design and Implementation: Our team designs and implements tailored VMware clusters on Dell and HP servers, taking into account your vessel's unique needs and constraints

Testing and Optimization: We rigorously test the implemented server and backup solutions for performance, reliability, and security, making necessary adjustments to optimize their functionality

Ongoing Support and Maintenance: Our team provides continuous support and maintenance, including monitoring, troubleshooting, and upgrades, to ensure your server and backup infrastructure remains robust and up-to-date


By choosing MarineDataLogic for your ship’s server and backup solutions, you can expect:

Enhanced reliability and performance: Our VMware clusters on Dell and HP servers deliver top-notch performance and reliability for your ship's IT infrastructure.

Comprehensive data protection: Our backup and recovery solutions ensure the safety of your critical data, safeguarding it against potential data loss or corruption.

Scalable and flexible solutions: Our server and backup solutions are designed to grow with your needs, adapting to changes in your ship's IT requirements.

Expert support: Our experienced team is committed to providing exceptional customer service and support throughout the entire process, from design and implementation to ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting.

Contact us today

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our reliable, high-performance server and backup solutions for ships, and discover how MarineDataLogic can help you maintain a robust, secure, and efficient IT infrastructure for your vessel.

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A leading provider of cutting-edge IT solutions for the cruise ship and yacht industry. Our passion for technology and commitment to customer satisfaction have made us a trusted partner for maritime clients seeking to enhance their IT infrastructure, improve connectivity, and secure their digital assets. Contact us: